Community Benchmark

Report '23

No more second-guessing your community’s performance. Get an industry-grade benchmark report along with suggestions based on insights from 800+ communities across 6 sectors.

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Intricate data points hand-picked from 800+ communities

Understand members like you know them
Compare member data such as new member activation rate and new member growth so you can strategize better activation and overall growth based on suggestions.
Where do your community activities stand?
From the sentiment of messages posted and trending topics to top member activities and top engaged channels - how do you compare to other communities in the industry?
Provide better than the best possible support
Is your community team as good as the others? Visualize the average response time, see how many questions are unanswered in communities, and observe support trend lines.

What's the report all about? 🤔

Put together after analyzing data collected from 800+ global communities
The data has been interpreted from communities across different industries and of various sizes
Understand how member experience affects growth and discover points to improve it
Compare critical community metrics like churn and retention to see where you stand
How are members engaging across communities and what can you do to drive engagement?
Compare community support metrics, first response times and more

2.7M emojis were shared across 5M messages within 800+ communities across last 6 months and these were the MOST used ones.

What can you expect from this report?

Compare, understand and improve member experiences, engagements, and support.

Community Experience

01. Member Onboarding
02. New Member Activation
03. Retention
04. Churn

Community Engagement

05. New Member Engagement Metrics
06. Overall Community Performance
07. Engagement Patterns

Community Support

08. Queries from the community

On an average, members have been active for 42 days in the community. That’s almost as much time taken to wrap up shooting for the movie Oppenheimer. (Sourced from Washington Post)

Maximum messages posted by a member in 6 months was 20K. In the time taken to do this, you could travel to the moon and back! 🚀🌕

Threado makes it easy to scale a more personal touch across my community.
Community Manager, Notion
FWIW @ThreadoHQ is a really good community management tool. Simple and powerful. Best we've used so far.
Community Manager, Notion

Get access to insights from 800+ communities

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