10 Ways in Which AI Can Empower Support Agents

The most optimal way forward is augment intelligence where AI can help enhance process and human agents to collectively amount for more productivity. Let's look at 10 ways in which that can happen.
Priyanshu Anand
Last edited:
August 29, 2024

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely already aware of the presence of AI in customer support. Most leaders are looking to increase their investments in AI not just because it seems to be a recent trend but because it can undoubtedly enhance customer experiences. Moreover, to keep up with market competition and people’s expectation of better support through AI, most companies will have to up their AI game.

This begs the question - how can AI seamlessly integrate into your organization’s support process and most importantly, improve it? We’ve already seen how AI can help augment human intelligence and automated intelligence is, in fact, the future of customer support. But how exactly can intelligent bots and AI-led customer support empower your teams and individual support agents to become more productive, efficient, and at the same time customer-centric?

1. Enhancing Self-Service Options

As businesses scale, the volume of basic queries can overwhelm support agents, leading to longer response times and decreased customer satisfaction. For example, agents might spend a significant portion of their day answering basic questions like "How do I reset my password?" or "Where can I find the x tab?".

AI-powered chatbots and FAQs can handle a significant volume of basic queries. A chatbot can instantly pull up relevant answers from your help center or self-service portal to resolve customer inquiries. It can improve workflows and reduce response times. Chatbots can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions and even guide customers through basic troubleshooting steps.

Threado AI tackles customer queries with ease, provided it’s been trained on your knowledge base. The bot has been designed in a way to truly enhance the customer experience and give your customers great self-service.

By handling basic queries, AI frees up agents to deal with more complex issues, thereby improving customer support and reducing agent workload. This also leads to quicker resolution times for customers, as they can get instant answers to basic questions through self-service options.

2. Automating Repetitive Tasks

Support agents often find themselves bogged down with repetitive tasks like sorting messages, tagging queries, and basic troubleshooting. This monotony can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and even errors. Human errors such as flagging urgent tickets as low priority or even forgetting to respond to a query might cause customer dissatisfaction.

AI can automate these mundane activities, freeing agents to focus on more complex issues. For example, AI-powered tools can automatically sort and tag incoming emails based on their content. These tools can even prioritize queries based on urgency, ensuring that critical issues are addressed promptly.

By automating repetitive tasks, agents can focus on complex issues that require human intervention, thereby becoming more productive and less prone to burnout. This also leads to quicker resolution times and higher customer satisfaction, as agents can now give more attention to intricate problems.

3. Intelligent Routing of Customer Queries

One of the most frustrating experiences for customers is being passed from one agent to another without resolving their issue. This not only wastes the customer's time but also increases the workload for agents who have to familiarize themselves with the query anew each time it's transferred.

AI can analyze the nature of a query and direct it to the most qualified agent. This intelligent routing is how AI can streamline customer service calls. For example, if a customer has a technical issue, AI can route the query to an agent specialized in technical support.

By ensuring that queries are directed to the most qualified agent, customer satisfaction increases, and issues are resolved more quickly. This also improves agent efficiency as they deal with queries that match their skill set, reducing the time spent familiarizing themselves with new issues.

4. Real-Time Assistance with AI Assistants

Support agents often need to access multiple databases or systems to resolve a single query, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. For instance, an agent might need to consult the CRM system, billing software, and product documentation to address a single customer issue.

AI assistants can act as real-time co-pilots, providing agents with the information they need at their fingertips. AI-driven self-service options like chatbots can also serve as AI assistants for agents. These assistants can pull up relevant data from various systems, suggest solutions based on past interactions, and even assist in drafting responses.

With real-time assistance, agents can resolve queries more efficiently, improving both their productivity and customer satisfaction. This also reduces the likelihood of errors, as agents have all the information they need in one place.

5. Sentiment Analysis for Proactive Support

Understanding customer sentiment during interactions is crucial but often challenging for agents who are juggling multiple tasks. Missing the cues for a frustrated or dissatisfied customer can lead to lost opportunities for service recovery.

AI can analyze customer interactions to gauge sentiment, allowing agents to tailor their approach. AI in sentiment analysis to predict and prevent churn. For example, if a customer's language indicates frustration, the AI can alert the agent to handle the situation delicately.

By understanding customer sentiment in real-time, agents can proactively address concerns, possibly turning a negative experience into a positive one. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also enhances the agent's ability to manage complex emotional dynamics.

6. Predictive Analytics for Personalized Support

Customers today expect personalized experiences, but delivering this level of customization can be resource-intensive. Agents often have to sift through customer history and previous interactions to offer personalized solutions, which can be time-consuming.

AI can sift through data to predict customer behavior, enabling agents to offer personalized solutions even before a customer asks. The predictive power of AI can analyze real-time data to predict customer behavior.

By offering personalized solutions proactively, customer satisfaction and loyalty can be significantly improved. Agents can also save time as AI provides them with the insights needed to offer personalized support, making their interactions more efficient and impactful.

7. Streamlining Multi-Channel Support

Managing customer queries across multiple channels like chat, web, and communities like Slack and Discord can be a logistical nightmare for agents. The challenge is to offer a consistent and seamless experience across all platforms. Almost 91% of companies require agents to access multiple screens during interactions.

AI can centralize information from various channels, allowing agents to offer consistent and efficient support. With a streamlined, multi-channel support system, customers can get their queries answered across different channels through the same bot. Threado AI offers support across web embeds, chatbots, and Slack or Discord workspaces so customers can conveniently ask queries wherever they are and get answers instantly.

By centralizing multi-channel support, agents can offer a seamless customer experience, irrespective of the platform the customer uses. This also improves agent efficiency as they can manage multiple channels from a single dashboard.

8. Upselling and Cross-Selling Made Easy

Identifying upselling and cross-selling opportunities during customer interactions can be challenging for agents who are primarily focused on resolving issues. Moreover, agents may lack real-time data on customer preferences and purchase history, making it difficult to offer relevant additional products or services.

AI can analyze customer data, including past purchases and browsing behavior, to identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities. AI can provide agents with real-time recommendations based on customer data.

By leveraging AI for upselling and cross-selling, agents can enhance the customer experience while contributing to revenue growth. This also empowers agents to become more proactive in offering solutions, transforming them from mere problem-solvers to value-added advisors.

9. Training and Skill Development

Keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of customer support requires continuous learning and skill development. However, traditional training programs can be time-consuming and may not address the specific needs of each agent.

AI can analyze performance metrics and customer feedback to identify gaps in an agent's skill set, and then recommend targeted training programs. This personalized approach ensures that agents receive the training they need to excel in their roles.

With targeted training based on AI analytics, agents can continually improve their skills, leading to better customer interactions and higher job satisfaction. This also allows for a more agile workforce that can adapt to the evolving demands of customer support.

10. Real-Time Performance Metrics

Without real-time analytics, it's challenging for managers to make informed decisions that can improve customer support operations. Traditional metrics are often outdated by the time they are analyzed, making it difficult to implement timely improvements.

AI can provide real-time analytics on agent performance, customer satisfaction, and other key metrics. This enables managers to make data-driven decisions on the fly, adjusting strategies and resources as needed.

With real-time performance metrics, managers can identify areas for improvement, leading to more efficient operations and improved customer satisfaction. This also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, as both agents and managers can track performance and set achievable goals.

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