AI-enhanced Customer Support: Kallen’s Approach at Airbase

Kallen's insights on building and managing customer support teams in B2B SaaS companies, focusing on AI integration, maintaining support quality, and fostering trust in remote teams.
Shalini Nair Tekwani
Last edited:
September 25, 2024

Kallen Bakas, Director of Support at Airbase, recently shared his wealth of experience in building and managing customer support teams in B2B SaaS companies on an episode of Decoded by Threado AI.

We explored a range of fascinating topics:

  • The unique challenges of supporting finance and procurement teams
  • How they're implementing AI in customer service, including agent assist tools and self-serve options
  • Strategies for keeping support quality high and preventing burnout in remote teams
  • The crucial role of trust and open communication in remote work environments
  • Approaches to team development and career growth in customer support roles

Kallen also shared his thoughts on the responsible use of AI in customer support, emphasizing that it should be seen as a tool to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them. He talked about the importance of making support easy for both customers and agents, and meeting customers where they are.

Key takeaways

AI in Customer Support: A Tool, Not a Replacement

  1. AI should be viewed as a helper in support processes, like power tools in construction. It's not meant to completely replace human agents.
  2. Effective use of AI in customer support includes agent assist tools, triage automation, and self-serve options for customers.
  3. Over-relying on AI can lead to problems, as seen in the Canadian airline chatbot incident where an AI promised refunds it shouldn't have.
  4. Implementing AI needs ongoing monitoring, quality checks, and tweaking to ensure it fits with the company's voice and policies.

Streamlining Support Processes and Improving Customer Experience

  1. Focus on simplifying internal processes first to give support agents more time for customers.
  2. Use AI-driven agent assist tools to help find answers quickly and improve response times.
  3. Develop self-serve options within the system that are intuitive and easy for customers to use.
  4. Meet customers where they are by offering multiple support channels, like in-app live chat and email.
  5. Use AI to analyze lots of data, spot trends, and provide insights to product and engineering teams.

Building and Managing Remote Support Teams

  1. Foster trust within the team by encouraging open communication and creating a culture where everyone supports each other.
  2. Hold daily huddles and "fun Fridays" to keep the team connected and recreate those casual office conversations in a remote setup.
  3. Encourage using video during meetings to build stronger relationships, while being understanding if someone needs a camera-off day.
  4. Create channels for async communication and support, alongside virtual in-person meetups for team building.
  5. Be mindful of cultural differences in global teams and create opportunities for cultural exchange and learning.

Developing and Retaining Support Team Members

  1. In your 1:1 meetings, go beyond the usual task rundown. Focus on personal growth and career paths.
  2. Give team members a voice in decision-making to foster a sense of empowerment.
  3. Encourage continuous learning by providing opportunities for skill enhancement and promoting self-directed learning within the team.
  4. Cultivate a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable to ask questions and seek help from their peers.
  5. Share information openly, but always consider how it might impact the team's spirit.

Advice for Aspiring Customer Support Leaders

  1. Treat AI as a helpful tool, ideal for making processes smoother and more automated.
  2. Tackle internal processes first; improving these can greatly enhance both your team's productivity and the customer experience.
  3. Show your team they’re valued by acknowledging their efforts, nurturing their expertise, and guiding them towards leadership roles.
  4. Once your team feels confident and passionate about their projects, learn to delegate effectively to avoid being a bottleneck.
  5. Aim to make your role as a leader unnecessary by nurturing a team that thrives independently.

To wrap up, Kallen underscored the importance of using AI wisely to enhance efficiency in customer support, without replacing the crucial human touch. He emphasized the significance of nurturing and empowering support teams, focusing on their advancement and cultivating a trusting environment. Kallen also addressed the unique challenges of managing remote teams, stressing the importance of fostering connections and keeping communication lines open. His overall message advocated for a strategy that balances technology with a strong emphasis on human interactions in customer support.

Watch the full Podcast Here

Looking to supercharge your customer interactions with the power of AI? Threado AI can help you seamlessly integrate AI-powered support into your customer service strategy, enhancing productivity of your support team and increasing customer satisfaction. Discover how today!

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